三山 发表于 2023-7-21 20:08:12

System-On-a-Chip Verification

System-On-a-Chip Verification: Methodology and Techniques is the first book to cover verification strategies and methodologies for SOC verification from system level verification to the design sign- off. The topics covered include Introduction to the SOC design and verification aspects, System level verification in brief, Block level verification, Analog/mixed signal simulation, Simulation, HW/SW Co-verification, Static netlist verification, Physical verification, and Design sign-off in brief. All the verification aspects are illustrated with a single reference design for Bluetooth application.

System-On-a-Chip Verification: Methodology and Techniques takes a systematic approach that covers the following aspects of verification strategy in each chapter:
Explanation of the objective involved in performing verification after a given design step;
Features of options available;
System-on-a-Chip Verification - Methodology and Techniques
by Prakash Rashinkar, Peter Paterson, Leena Singh

When to use a particular option;
How to select an option; and
Limitations of the option.
This exciting new book will be of interest to all designers and test professionals.


1: Introduction.

2: System-Level Verification.

3: Block-Level Verification.

4: Analog/Mixed Signal Simulation.

5: Simulation.

6: Hardware/Software Co-verification.

7: Static Netlist Verification.

8: Physical Verification and Design Sign-off
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